FluidTasks Accounting

Overcoming Financial Management Challenges in the Insurance Industry

Eliminate disconnected systems and rationalize financial management with us!

The lack of integration and efficiency in financial management processes within the insurance industry is concerning. Insurance professionals often face challenges with disconnected systems, manual data transfer, and inefficient workflows when managing customer accounts, payments, and financial reporting.

This problem is solved by FluidTasks, which provides a unified system for managing customers, payments, reports, and organizational accounts. By consolidating these functions into a single platform, insurance professionals can streamline their financial processes, improve data accuracy, and enhance overall operational efficiency



A robust solution for financial management within the unified insurance system

goalAccurate Financial Data
By integrating customer management and payment management, FluidTasks ensures data consistency and accuracy, reducing errors and discrepancies in financial records.

accountingEffective Organization Accounts Management
With financial period definition and bank account integration, insurance professionals can easily manage organization accounts, track revenue, expenses, and maintain accurate financial records

payment-gatewayStreamlined Payment Management
Efficiently manage claim payments and bordereaux payments within the same system, reducing manual effort, and ensuring accurate and timely payments to policyholders and any other stakeholders.

maximizeScalable and Adaptable
FluidTasks is designed to scale with the growth of your company, accommodating increasing data volumes, expanding product lines, and changing business requirements.



Effectively manage your financial operations with FluidTasks Accounting

Manage Customers Statements

Customer Accounts Management

FluidTasks Customer Accounts Management allows insurance professionals to generate detailed statements that provide a consolidated overview of financial transactions for each policyholder.

bordereaux payments

Payments Management

FluidTasks facilitates the efficient and accurate payment of commission amounts to brokers or agents. It also allows for the allocation of payments, knocking off payments by policy or invoice. 

Debtors age analysis


FluidTasks Accounting module includes debtors' age analysis reports, providing insights into outstanding payment balances and the aging of receivables.

configure accounting periods

Organizations Accounts Management

You can organize financial transactions and generate accurate and timely financial reports by setting specific periods, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Insights & Resources